Ryan Maitland_Onboarding Booklet_12.19.22

project responsibilities initial

» Understand and enforce each trade subcontractors agreement implementing boiler plate language » Monitor material management/deliveries per schedule and compliance with submittals

» Manage the process for MEP Coordination Drawings » Initiate log, procure, review and process Submittals » Create, issue, and analyze RFIs » Assist with the owner requisition process » Participate in project meetings » Assist with site logistics and construction management plan » Assist Superintendent as needed with project documentation and Daily Reports » Post and maintain drawings and specs through Contract Document Control » Monthly verification of Subcontractor As Built Drawings documents » Assist with monitoring material management/deliveries per schedule and compliance with submittals » Documenting Manpower production rates by trade and addressing issues that influence schedule » Obtain and record Safety Compliance documents from subcontractors while assisting Site Safety Manager with coordination and compliance » Assist in the execution of close out matrix

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