Stephen Williams_Onboarding Booklet_11.21.22

glossary industry terms/acronyms

» OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration » Project Manager: oversees project budget, schedule, materials & subcontractors » Punch List: list of small tasks to be finished by end of project

» Purchase Order: details of material order » QA/QC: quality assurance/quality control » Requisition: request for purchasing materials » ROM: Rough Order of Magnitude estimate

» RFI: Request For Information » RFP: Requests For Proposal » RFQ: Request For Qualification » Scope: contract with subcontractor of work to complete » Spec Sections: set of requirements for the project » Submittal: product data, shop drawings and samples sent to the design team for review » Superintendent: manages on-site construction » T&M: Time & Materials » Transmittal: letter explaining contents of a package » VDC: Virtual Design and Construction

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