Dimeo K-12

Renovations and Additions // Centerbook, CT Size: 55,000 sf // Architect: Arbonies King Vlock Essex Elementary School

Dimeo successfully cut the original 24 month schedule to 12 months, and substanitally completed the assignment in 10.5 months! The project involved renovations and an addition to an existing 76,000 sf, 50 year old elementary school. Work included renovations to classrooms and administrative offices, and the creation of a new bus drop off area and entrance on the east side of the building. The original project was modified to include a 14,000 sf eight classroom addition after it was discovered that a septic issue would have driven up the cost of simply expanding the classrooms. The addition was able to be built within the voter-approved budget, and provided “swing space” into which the students were moved during work on classrooms in other areas of the building.


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